Thursday, September 20, 2007

Deming PDSA Cycle

The Deming Cycle, or PDSA cycle is a continuous quality improvement model consisting out of a logical sequence of four repetitive steps for continuous improvement and learning: Plan, Do, Study (Check) and Act.

Deming Cycle

PLAN: plan ahead for change. Analyze and predict the results.

DO: execute the plan, taking small steps in controlled circumstances.

STUDY: check, study the results.

ACT: take action to standardize or improve the process.

The PDCA cycle is also known as the Deming Cycle, the Deming wheel of continuous improvement spiral. Its origin can be traced back to the eminent statistics expert Mr. Walter A. Shewart, in the 1920’s.

He introduced the concept of PLAN, DO and SEE. The late Total Quality Management (TQM) guru and renowned statistician Edward W. Deming modified the SHEWART cycle as: PLAN, DO, STUDY, and ACT.

Along with the other well-known American quality guru-J.M. Juran, Deming went to Japan as part of the occupation forces of the allies after World War II. Deming taught a lot of Quality Improvement methods to the Japanese, including the usage of statistics and the PLAN, DO, STUDY, ACT cycle.

Benefits of PDCA

The concept can be used in a number of ways including for:

 daily routine management-for the individual and/or the team,
 problem-solving process,
 project management,
 continuous development,
 vendor development,
 human resources development,
 new product development, and
 process trials.

Belief in PDSA, coupled with diligent application will contribute to a successful implementation.

In her book "The Deming Management Method" Mary Watson tells about the life of the business guru the late W.Edward Deming.

The industrial miracle in Japan was a prime example of what can happen when a nation commits itself to quality and long-range vision instead of the latest illness: "Turning a Fast Buck-itis." In less then 50 years, Japan went from making rubber dog-shit, to turning out some of the highest quality precision work in the world.

When Dr. Deming first began speaking in America, America was still riding along on the post-war victory wave. No one would listen to him. The Japanese welcomed him, and even today, traces of his quality-control methods are still seen in the industrial workplace.

The Deming Cycle, or PDSA cycle is related to Kaizen thinking and Just-in-time manufacturing.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wonderful blog & good post.Its really helpful for me, awaiting for more new post. Keep Blogging!

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